Christian Medical Association of India conducted a programme from 14th - 16th October 2019 namely SEED at Constant Lievens School of Nursing Mandar, Ranchi. Student empowering and Enriching Directive (SEED) is a unique initiative from CMAI to engage the youth to empower and enrich them with values and soft skills that is required in their personal and professional life. The two and a half day programme was packed with valuable sessions on Self-awareness, Communication skills, Motivation, Social Medical addiction among youth and its impact, Challenges youth face today and ways to overcome them, Discipline and Time management etc. They had interactive sessions to understand students' perspectives on various issues they face today. Various inputs were also given through group activities and discussions. Various indoor and outdoor games also were part of the animation. Sessions were taken by experts and stalwarts from various fields that were focused on giving input to students for their psychological and spiritual well-being. A total of 118 participants and 20 Faculties from 14 Schools of Nursing in seven states of Central India participated in this programme.